Version number Version 1
Date of publication March 2023
Trustees sign off
Scope Organisational
Policy owner Norma Fraser

Manager of Frenkel Topping Charitable Foundation

Review date (Annually) March 2024
Document control Any changes to this document need to be agreed by

Norma Maria Fraser who is the policy lead and holder

Control log Version 2 – March 2025


Frenkel Topping Charitable Foundation aims to provide the highest quality support to people who have experienced life changing circumstances as a result of personal injury, accident or medical negligence. We welcome an opportunity to respond to compliments and concerns. The charity takes all complaints seriously as they provide an opportunity to improve and maintain the high standards we aim to achieve.


Policy Statement

Frenkel Topping Charitable Foundation aims to:

  • Provide a fair complaints and compliments procedure which is clear and easy to use for anyone wishing to make a complaint or provide positive feedback;
  • publicise the existence of our procedure so that people know how to contact us to make a complaint or compliment;
  • ensure that everyone at Frenkel Topping Charitable Foundation knows what to do if a complaint or compliment is received;
  • ensure that all complaints are investigated fairly and in a timely way and compliments are shared with those involved;
  • ensure that complaints are, wherever possible, resolved and that relationships are repaired; and gather information which helps us to improve what we do.



  1. Frenkel Topping Charitable Foundation welcomes informal feedback at any time, and we listen to comments through all of those means, both those that are complimentary and supportive of the service provided, as well as those that are asking for changes to the way that our grants are delivered.
  2. For general comments, please email
  3. Frenkel Topping Charitable Foundation will acknowledge your general comment(s) within seven working days of receipt, and we will advise you who will be responding to the matter and when you can expect a full response.
  4. If you want to lodge a formal complaint concerning the Frenkel Topping Charitable Foundation, you can do so by writing to or emailing the board of Trustees (details below).
  5. This is available to those who interact with Frenkel Topping Charitable Foundation, including grant applicants, volunteers and those engaged with by our fundraising activities.
  6. You should share your concerns or register a complaint when you are dissatisfied with any aspect of the Frenkel Topping Charitable Foundation’s grants, support, or activities. You can make your complaint using your preferred method and format of communication.
  7. Frenkel Topping Charitable Foundation can arrange appropriate support to ensure equal access to this procedure for all.
  8. Contact Frenkel Topping Charitable Foundation with your complaint in one of the following ways:
    • Write to: Norma Fraser and Trustees, Frenkel Topping Charitable Foundation, 15 Carolina Way, Salford, Manchester, M50 2ZY
    • E-mail:
    • Call: 0161 886 8000
  9. Frenkel Topping Charitable Foundation will acknowledge your complaint within five working days of receipt, and we will advise you who will be dealing with the matter and when you can expect a full response.



  1. Wherever possible, Frenkel Topping Charitable Foundation will respect your confidentiality and keep your complaint confidential as far as possible. Any information about the complaint will usually only be shared with those who need to know in order to help resolve it.
  2. There may however be occasions when Frenkel Topping Charitable Foundation cannot provide absolute confidentiality. This may for example arise in circumstances where a child or vulnerable adult may be at risk of harm. In these circumstances Frenkel Topping Charitable Foundation’s safeguarding procedures will take precedence over this procedure and any relevant information will be shared with others concerned in the safety and welfare of service users.
  3. All personal information will be handled in line with the Privacy Policy, which meets the requirements of the Data Protection Act of 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of 25 May 2018.


Record of Complaints

Frenkel Topping Charitable Foundation will keep a record of all complaints for 24 months. This information will not be used for any other purpose. In accordance with data protection law, you may request to view the information being held regarding your complaint and may request that it be put beyond use (although if you do this before the complaint investigation has been resolved, this may render the original complaint void).


The Fundraising Regulator

  1. If the complaint relates to fundraising, the record will be available to the Fundraising Regulator, upon request, along with a record of all communication.
  2. If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the investigation, you may refer your complaint to the Fundraising Regulator who will independently investigate your complaint. They advise that you should do so within two months of receipt of the complaint investigation outcome.
  3. You can contact the Fundraising Regulator on their website:


Other Policies

This policy is to be read in conjunction with the following policies:

  • Privacy policy